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LTI Infinity Coding Challenge 2021

 What is LTI Infinity Coding Challenge?

Infinity is LTI's flagship case solving challenge designed for students to think of innovative ideas and apply their academic learnings to solve real world business needs. It is a forum to identify future tech leaders; those who have skills to resolve business challenges using Analytics, Cloud and Digital

Participation Criteria

Sure you can,
 if you are meeting the below criteria 
  •  Year of Passing: 2021 batch 
  •  Qualification: BE-B Tech 
  • Branches: CS/IT and Circuit branches Other branches having strong hands-on programming experience * Age: Less than 24 years (Date of birth > = 1st July 1997) 
  • Academic drop: No year drop allowed in the middle of any course
  • Percentage: 60% and above or equivalent CGPA throughout academic career 
  • Backlogs/Re-attempts: - Not more than 2 active/live backlogs allowed during the interview process -     
    • No backlogs/re-attempts in the final semester of any course 
    • No live / pending backlogs after declaration of final semester results 
    • SSC/HSC must have completed in first attempt 
  • Nature of course: All Full time courses only 
  • Citizenship: Resident Indian citizens only 
  • Institute criteria: UGC / AICTE approved Institutes only

Contest details :

  1. there are 3 levels of questions 
  2. each subsequent level is unlocked if current level is passed
  3. based on overall score candidate is eligible for LTI's offer of INR 6.5 LPA | INR 8 LPA | INR 10 LPA
So without wasting time let's just jump on to the questions asked in LTI ICC 2021

Level 1 :Serena and Flowers

Serena has a garden with N flower pots arranged in a row Every morning she walks through the row and plucks flowers She targets to visit the first K pots in the row
Find the number of different flowers that Serena would pluck on a angle walk through the k pots

Input Specification:

input1: N, number of flower pots in Serena's garden 
input2: K number of pots Serena visits one walk 
inputs: An array containing pot index P to represent each pot by unique numbers (1<=P<=1000). 
pots having the same flower will have the same pot index

Output Specification:

Your function should return the number of different flowers plucked by Serena

Example 1:

input1: 5
input2 : 3
input3: (1,1,2,1,5)
Output: 2

Till the 3 d pot, Serena could find only 2 distinct flowers (1,2).

Example 2:

Input1 :10
input3 (2,12.1,3.1,4,5,6,1)
Output 4
Till the 7th pot. Serena could find only 4 distinct flowers (1,2.3,4).


Level 1: Ronny's confidence

Ronny's confidence level (C) is 0. You have a series of K exercises each of which increases Ronny's confidence by P[K] units (where P[K] is a set of K prime numbers, [2, 3, 5, 7, .... ]),respectively
Ronny practices exactly 1 exercise each day. The same exercise can be practiced over
and over again. 
Find the minimum number of days it will take for his confidence level to reach exactly to D.

Input Specification:
input1: D, final confidence level.
input2: K, the total different number of exercises.

Output Specification:
Your function should return the minimum number of days required to achieve the target. if not possible. output -1

Example 1:
input1: 12
input2: 5
output: 2
Explanation: now since k is 5 therefore p[k]={2,3,5,7,11}
exercise of p[k] value 5 and 7 will chosen to reach exactly 12


Level 1: Zombies

In a country of zombies each city has a certain percentage of zombies. Cities are designated as
1. A city[i] is magical if city[i] and city[i+1] have no common divisor other than 1.
2. A city is good if the percentage of zombies in the city[i] is more than percentage of zombies in city[i+1]
Find a city that is perfect, where perfect means both good and magical,
if there are more than one perfect cities, output the left-most city index. Also, the minimum number of cities in a country is 2 and there will be at least one perfect city

Input Specification:

input1: An array representing the percentage of zombies in each city 
input2: Number of cities in the country

Output Specification:

Return the favourable city index "i"

Example 1:

input1: (1,1,3,6,7,3) 
input2: 6
output: 4
Explanation: city[4] = 7 


Level 2: Long Number Possibilities

Samwed takes out N bowls in a straight line and put a few marbles randomly in each bowl such that
1. A bowl can never have more than 
2. A bowl can have n marbles marbles at a time
Now, Samwed friend adds 1 more marble to the last bowl After this addition, all the bowls must still be aligned with the rules mentioned above Adding a marble follows the same rules as of addition with carry over
You are given the initial list of number of marbles in each bowl Find the position of the bowl which was last modified. (Assuming indexing starts from 1)
Note: If a situation arises where you have to add one more bowl, output 0.

Input Specification:
input1: N. the number of bowls
input2: Array of number of marbles in each bow

Output Specification:
Position of the bowl which is last modified

Example 1:

input1: 2
input2: (9,9)
Output: 0
When we add 1 marble to the last bowl, the new configuration of the bows is (0,0) No bowl is the last modified

Example 2:

input2: (1,2,9,9,9)
Output: 2
When we add 1 marble to the last bowl the new configuration of the bowls is


Bowl number 2 is the last modified


Level 2 : Food Stalls

Rubin goes to a food festival along with N-1 friends Robin is labelled as 1 and his friends are labelled from 2 to N. Each of them has a set of coloured coupons The food festival has M food stalls numbered from 1 to M. Every food stall accepts particular colour coupons only.
There are 10 different colour coupons represented by numbers ranging from 1 to 10. You are given certain number of queries Q. Find the sum of the outputs of all the queries.
Input Specification:

input1: N, total size of the group of friends including Robin
input2: M, number of stalls
Input3: A two dimensional array of size M*10, where cell(i,j) = 1 denotes that stall  i accepts coupon j
input4: A two dimensional array of size N*10, where cell(i,j )=1 denotes that person i has coupon j 
input5: Q number of queries
Input6: A two dimensional array of size Q * 2, containing sets for which the query has to be answered. For each row [i,j] , if person i can eat at stall j, then output of the query is 1 else output in 0

Output Specification:

Your function should return the sum of the output of all the queries

Example 1:

input1: 1
input2: 1
input3: { {1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }
Input4: { {1, 0, 0,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} }
input5: 1
input6: { { 1,1} }
Output: 1
Person 1 has coupons 1 and 4, and stall accepts coupon 1.
So, the output of whether person 1 can eat at stall 1 is 1.

Example 2

Input1: 1
Input2: 2
input3: { {1,0, 0,1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0},{ 0,0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,0,0,1} }
input4: { {1,0, 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0} }
Input5: 2
input6: { {1,1} , {1,2} }
  • Person 1 has coupon 1, and stall 1 accepts coupon 1 and 4 .So, the output of whether person 1 can eat at stall 1 is 1 
  • Person 1 has coupon 1 and stall 2 accepts coupon 10.So, the output of whether person 1 can eat at stall 2 is 0.
Thus, sum of the outputs of bath queries 10-1


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