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Persistent Systems

 Persistent System

About Company

Persistent Systems is a technology services company which was incorporated on 16 May 1990 as Persistent Systems Private Limited. As a global solutions company, their technical expertise and industry experience enable them to anticipate what’s next and answer questions before they’re asked.​ As a strategic partner, they offer  clients a unique competitive advantage that gives them the power to see beyond and rise above.


Job Designation: Software Engineer

Role & Responsibilities :

👉Core Software Engineering
👉Excellent Analytical & Communication
👉Strong fundamental & advance technologies knowledge

Required Skills:

  • Analysis, Design, Coding, Testing, reviews and Documentation.
  • Develop and execute unit tests
  • Test Case execution, Test Reporting, Defect life cycle, Status reporting.
  • Reporting, Effective interaction with team
  • Strong in data structures and algorithms. Solid grasp of few topics from curriculum (Like RDBMS, N/W. OS, SDLC etc.)
  • Good in one programming language.
  • Awareness of the project domain.
  • Demonstrates willingness to learn new technologies.
  • Ability to take code level technical decisions.
  • Ability to solve technical problems in a correct and timely fashion
  • Writes technical documents/emails (audience: peers and immediate manager)
  • Should be able to explains own work in client/colleague's telecommunication
  • Excellent written and verbal communication 
  • Excellent customer orientation
  • Analytical skills and Innovative and Individual contributor.

Profiles in SDE:

Profile 1: Surjana (Creative) - INR 8.41 LPA 
Profile 2: Viveka (Intelligent) - INR 6.41 LPA
Profile 3: Navayuva (New Gen) - INR 4.41 LPA

Gamified Process of Hiring

For On-campus drive

Test Platform: AMCAT Global

Online Test Level 01 Cleared: Eligible for Profile 03

Eligible for Online Test Level 02 

Based on Performance in Interview you will get offer for Profile 03 or nothing

Online Test Level 02 Cleared: Eligible for Profile 02 & 01 

Based on Performance in Interview you will get offer for Profile 02 or 01 or 03 or nothing

Note: Given below are some programming question asked in the online test. Levels are set by company on the basis of test score and are not disclosed to the candidates.

Q1. You are given a list of numbers. Write an algorithm remove all the duplicate numbers of the list so that the list contains only distinct numbers in the same order as they appear in the input list

The first line of the input consists of an integer size, representing the number of elements (N).

 The second line consists of N space separated integers- list[1], list[2],…., list[3] representing the list of integers

Print space separated integers representing the distinct element obtained by removing all the duplicates elements from the given list


  • 0 < N < 105
  • -106 < list[i] <  106
  • 0 < i <=  N 




1 1 3 2 1 4 5 4


1 3 2 4 5


Remove all the duplicate elements from the list (i.e., 1 and 4)

The final list is [1, 3, 2, 4, 5]

Test Cases & Output

Case 1

Input: 8

             1 1 3 2 1 4 5 4

Output: 1 1 3 2 1 4 5 4

Expected Output: 1 3 2 4 5

Console Output: Correct

Case 2

Input: 5

            1 3 5 7 8

Output: 1 3 5 7 8

Expected Output: 1 3 5 7 8

Console Output: Correct

Q2. Given a matrix A[1..N][1..M] of integers, the product of a submatrix of A is the product all the elements of the submatrix.

Write an algorithm to find the number of non-empty submatrices that contain the top left element of matrix A (i.e., B[1..X][1..Y] for 1<=X<=N, 1<=Y<=M) with products<=k.


The first line of the input consists of three space-separated integers- N Mand K representing the number of rows in the matrix, the number of columns in the matrix and the maximum permissible product of the elements of a submatrix, respectively

The next N lines consist of M space-separated integers representing the elements of the matrix A


Print an integer representing the number of submatrices that contain the top left of the given matrix with a product less than or equal to K


  • 1 <= N, M <= 1OOO

Test Case 1:


2 3 3

1 2 3

1 2 3

Expected Output:


Test Case 2:


2 2 1

2 0

0 1

Expected Output:


Q3 John misses his bus and has to walk all his way from home to school. The distance between his school and home is D units. He starts his journey with an initial energy of K units. His energy decreases by 1 unit for every unit of distance walked. On his way to school there an N juice stalls. Each stall has a specific amount of juice in liters. His energy increases by 1 unit for every liter of juice he consumes. Note that in order to keep him walking he should have non-zero energy.

Write an algorithm to help John figure out the minimum number of juice stalls at which he should stop to successfully reach the school in case he can’t reach the school, the output will be -1.


  • The first line of the input consists of an integer N, representing the number of juice stalls.
  • The second line consists of N space separated integers- dist1, dist2 ,…, distN  representing the distance of the ith stall from John's home
  • The third line consists of N Space separated integers- lit1 , lit2 ,…, litN  representing the liters of juice available at the ith stall.
  • The last fine consists of two space-separated integers- D and K representing the distance of school from Johns home and his initial energy respectively.


Print an integer representing th minimum number of juice stall at which john should stop to

Test Case 1:



5 7 10

2 3 5

15 5

Expected Output:


Test Case 2:



10 20 22 23 26

10 2 5 1 1

30 10

Expected Output:


Q4   A company is transmitting its data to another server. To secure the data against malicious activity, they plans to reverse the data before transmitting. They want to know the number of data characters that do not change position even after the data stream is reversed. The network administrator has been tasked with ensuring the smooth transmission of the data.

Write an algorithm for the network administrator to help him find the number of data character that do not change position even after the data stream is reversed.


The input consists of a string dataStream, representing the data to be transmitted by the network.


Print an integer representing the number of data characters that do not change position even after the data stream is reversed.


The input string dataStream is case sensitive Uppercase characters and lowercase characters counted as different







The reversed data stream is “adidxxhpia”.

The characters that do not change position after the data stream is reversed are characters ‘a’ at the start and end position and the characters ‘x’ in the middle positions.

Case 1

Input: Inspiringte

Output: 3

Expected Output: 3

Console Output: Correct

Case 2

Input: GRAanule

Output: 0

Expected Output: 0

Console Output: Correct




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