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Lenskart Backend Developer Interview Experience

Lenskart Backend Developer Interview Experience How I have applied? Hello, I connected with the people of Lenskart by sending connection requests with an invite. I sent requests to around 30-40 people out of which 5-6 people connected and 2-3 agreed for providing referrals. They asked for my resume and Job Id.  Invite message  Hello ABC,  I am Harshit working as a software engineer with 1.5 experience. I would like to connect with your network and explore opportunities for SE/SDE/Backend engineer position at Lenksart. Thanks & regards After a few days, received a call from HR. They asked about my skills and background. And why I want to switch. After that, schedule an interview with one of the experienced SE. And this is how communication was established. Tech Interview 1  Duration - 45mins Both joined at the time. Started with a brief introduction of both. Then a