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Groww Placement Test 2020

 Groww Placement Test 2020

About  Company

Groww is an India-based online investment platform that targets first-time investors and millennials. Headquartered in Bengaluru, Groww allows investors to open an account electronically and transact in mutual funds and also stocks online.

Recruitment Process 

The Company hires by both on-campus and off-campus. You can apply to company for off-campus by applying on there portal when hiring is been done. But for this post, we will discuss about on-campus hiring.

On-Campus Hiring :

Package/Offerings: INR 20 lakhs per annum.
Job Location: Bengaluru.
Profile : Software Engineer.
For the candidate to be hired he should clear 4 rounds as part of recruitment. These rounds are:

1) Round 1 : Coding Test

Platform : Hackerearth (web proctored)
Duration : 45 min
No. of questions : 15 (14 MCQs + 1 Programming question)
Maximum points : 54 points (14 + 40)
Minimum Criteria for selection to next round  :  45+ score (complete programming question + MCQs) 

Each MCQ is based on some subject like C (for ex. output of code), Algorithms (for ex. min no of swaps), computer networks (for ex. find propagation delay), Aptitude , Data structure (for ex. in-order traversal), DBMS (for ex. query output) , OOPs with Java, 


2) Round 2 : PS-DS round-1  (Problem solving and data structures)
Company is looking for candidates who have sharp programming skills and better understanding data structures.
In this round they ask candidates to write code, explain algorithm and other things that are asked in technical interview. 

3) Round 3: PS-DS round-2

Level  of this round is bit high then previous round. So, candidate should present his skills and knowledge adroitly and in a manner that his communication skill too shine in that round.

4)Round 4: HR

1) Back-end of Groww App is supported by spring framework and restful APIs. So, it will and edge for candidate who knows Spring framework.
2) They are mainly focusing on candidates with good programming skills and knowledge.

Coding Question Asked in 2020

Programming is another wonder

Question: Public Transport Tickets 

Max score 40

Problem statement: You want to buy public transport tickets for the upcoming month. You know exactly the days on which you will be travelling. The month has 30 days and there are three types of ticket:

  •  1-day ticket, costs 2, valid for one day:

  •  7-day ticket, costs 7, valid for seven consecutive days (e.g. if the first valid day is X, then the last valid day is X+6);

  • 30-day ticket, costs 25, valid for all thirty days of the month

 You want to pay as little as possible.

You are given a sorted (in increasing order) array A[N] of dates when you will be travelling. For example, given:

A[0] = 1

A[1] = 2 

A[2] = 4 

A[3] = 5 

A[4] = 7 

A[5] = 19 

A[6] = 29 

A[7] = 30

 You can buy one 7-day ticket and three 1-day tickets. The three 1-day tickets should be used on days 19, 29 and 30. The 7-day ticket should be used on the first seven days of the month. The total cost is 13 and there is no possible way of paying less.


Assume that: 

  • N is an integer within the range [0..30];

  •  each element of array A is an integer within the range (1.30);

  •   array A is sorted in increasing order:

  •   the elements of A are all distinct.

Input Format:

     Single line contains a comma-separated list of days (integers),


Output Format:

 Return an integer, representing the minimum amount of money that you have to spend on tickets for the month


Sample input 1


Sample output 1


(From other campus)

Question :Minimum Number of Jumps

Max score : 40 

Problem statement : Given an array of integers, where each element represents the maximum number of jumps that can be taken forward from that element. Find the minimum number of jumps to reach the end of the array (starting from the first element)

 If an element is then no jump can be made from that element. If it is not possible to reach the end, then output -1.

 Input Specification:

Input 1: number of elements in array n. (2 <= n <= 1000) 

Input 2 : a[n] an integer array

 Output Specification:

 Return the minimum number of jumps to reach the end.

 Example 1:


a[n]: {2,1,1}

 Output: 1

 Explanation: The first element is 2, this means that 2 jumps can be taken forward from this element. With this, we reach the last element. Hence, the total number of required jumps is 1.


Example 2:


a[n]: {1,3,6,1,0,9,8,7,6} 

Output: 3

Explanation: The first element is 1, this means that 1 jump can be taken and reach element 3. Now, 3 jumps can be taken forward from this element. On taking the first step, we get element 6. If 6 Jumps are taken from here itself, last element of the array will be reached. Hence, the total number of required Jumps will be 3.



  1. this article help me in clearing my groww placement by making me aware of what they ask and how to make proper strategy to clear rounds.
    keep it up buddy

  2. Nciesaquichi Sonya Anderson download


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