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CodeNation CNIL Recruitment test 2020

CodeNation CNIL Recruitment test 2020

About Codenation

  • CodeNation is a software solutions company that is Indian daughter branch of the company DevFactory, which in turn is the research and development wing of the Trilogy Group. More on Trilogy group here- Trilogy (company).
  • The main goal of the company is to optimise the software development process and deliver cost-effective world-class software products

  • Trilogy group as a company owns many software development firms itself.

Recruitment Process:
  • Coding Round
  • Technical Round 1
  • Technical Round 2
  • Technical Round 3
  • HR Round

Coding Round:

The Codenation hosts its coding round on Hackerrank and generally goes by the name of CodeAgon. 

In 2020 it is conducted by the name 'CNIL 2020'. The round consists of about 3 questions ranging from the lower to higher difficulty. The questions are generally from the following paradigms- 
  • AdHoc (Brute Force)
  • Combinatorics 
  • Dynamic programming
  • Segment tree etc.
Duration : 1 hours 30 minutes.
Generally conducted in between July last week - August first week.
Mode of Recruitment : OFF CAMPUS
Package for full time  employee: INR 31 lakhs per annum (26 lakhs fixed)
Package for summer interns : INR 75,000 per month for 2 months 

CNIL 2020 Questions:

Programmer choice of language

1. String Reduction
Your task is to return the largest string, based on dictionary order, that can be obtained by erasing a certain number characters  from that sting. 
For two strings x and y, each consisting of m characters, x is larger than y, based on dictionary order, when the first j-1 letters in x  and y are equal  Where 1 <= j<= m, but the jth letter in x is larger than the  jth letter in y.
For example, "caa" is larger than "baa". and "abza" is larger  than "abqa". 

Consider the following example
Let the string. s, be 'baca' the number of characters to be erased, k. is 1 .There are 4 possible ways of deleting exactly ore character from that string "aca","bca", "baa" and 'bac". Among these strings, "bca" is the largest in dictionary order. Thus, "bca" is the desired answer. 
Function Description 
compete the function StringReduction in the editor below. The function must return the largest string, based on dictionary Order, that can be obtained  by erasing exactly k characters from the input sting.
 "StringReduction" has the following parameters: 
  •  k: an integer
  •  s: an String of length n
• 1<= n <=10^6 
• 0<=k<=n 
• s contains only English lowercase letters. 
Input Format For Custom Testing 
The first line contains a single integer, k, denoting the number of characters to erase. In the second line, there is a single string, s, denoting the string to erase the characters from. 
Sample Case 0 
Sample Input for Custom Testing 
Sample Output 
The input string, s, is "zyxedcba", and the number of charaters to erase k is 1.
The possible ways of erasing exactly 1 character are:
The largest string among them, based on dictionary order, is "zyxedcb", so that is the answer. 

Sample Case 1 
Sample Input For Custom Testing 
Sample Output 
The input string, s, is "rim", and the number of characters to erase is k= 2. 
The possible ways of erasing exactly 2 characters are :
The largest string among them, based on dictionary order, is "r", so that is the answer. 
2) Perfect Array
Your friend is not able to solve a question in the recent HackerRank League Contest and wants you to help them out. You are given two arrays consisting of integers, denoted as firstArray and secondArray respectively. A Perfect Array is defined as an array that can be converted to secondArray by removing some integers, and the removal of integers maintains its relative order. 
For example, let firstArray = [3,1,4,2,5] and secondArray = [3,4,51. Here, firstArray is a Perfect Array because we can remove the integers 1 and 2 from it so that firstArray is equal to secondArray. As another example, let firstArray = [3,1,4,2,51 and secondArray = [4,5,7]. Here, firstArray is not a Perfect Array as we cannot make it equal to secondArray by removing integers. Because firstArray cannot always be a Perfect Array, what Is the minimum number of integers you need to insert anywhere into firstArray so that it can become a Perfect Array? 
For example:
firstArray = [4. 5, 1, 7, 8] 
secondArray = [4, 8, 7] 
Here, firstArray is not a Perfect Array because removing integers 5 and 1 makes [4, 7, 8], which is not equal to secondArray. Adding 7 at the end of firstArray makes it [4, 5, 1, 7, 8, 7). 
Now, removing the second, third, and fourth integers (5, 1, and 7) gives us [4, 8, 7], which is equal to secondArray. Hence, the minimum number of insertions to be made in firstArray is 1.
 Function Description 
'Complete the function getMinInsertions in the editor below. The function must return an integer denoting the number of integers to be added to firstArray so that It becomes a Perfect Array. 
  • getMinInsertions has the following parameters: 
  • firstArray: an array at integers
  • secondArray: an array of integers 
• 1 <=size of firstArray <= 10^5 
• 1 <=size of secondArray <= 10^5 
• 1 <= firstArray[i] <= 10^9 
• 1 <= secondArray[i] <= 10^9 
•  secondArray consists of distinct elements 

Input Format For Custom Testing 
The first line contains an integer, n, denoting the number of elements in firstArray. Each line i of the n subsequent lines (where 0<= i < n) contains an integer describing firstArray[il. The next line contains an integer, m, denoting the number of elements in secondArray. Each line j of the m subsequent lines (where 0 <= j < m) contains an integer describing secondArray[j]. 

Sample Case 0 
Sample Input for Custom Testing 
Sample Output 
Here , firstArray={3,2}and secondArray={2} 
Removing 3 from firstArray Makes it equal to secondArray. Hence firstArray is already Perfect 
Array and as no insertions were needed the answer is 0.

Sample Case 1 
Sample Input For Custom Testing
Sample Output 
Here, firstArray={ 4, 3, 2} and secondArray={7,3,11}, 
firstArray cannot directly be converted to secondArray, hence it is not a Perfect Array. By inserting integers 7 and 11 in firstArray, making it {7, 4, 3, 2.,11}, firstArray becomes a Perfect .This is because removing Integers 4 and 2 makes firstArray equal to secondArray. Hence, the number of insertions needed in firstArray is 2, 
3. AND Queries 
You have a large amount of data you need to store. You are interested in knowing some details about the structure of your data in binary in order to optimize how it is stored. In particular, you are interested in the bitwise AND of certain contiguous subarrays of its elements to do so, you try to answer some queries. 
You're given an array A of n numbers. There are q queries that you need to answer. Each query is of the form l r s t. For each contiguous subarray in the range l to r (inclusive), we define p as the bitwise AND of all its elements. The answer to each query is the number of contiguous subarrays of size s in this range that has p >= t. 
For example, given n = 6 numbers {21, 29, 31, 15, 13, 5} and a query 4 6 2 7, the range is [15, 13, 5]. In this, we need to find for how many subarrays of size 2 the value of p >= 7. The subarrays of size 2 are [15, 13] and [13, 5]. These have p values of 13 and 5. Therefore the output should be 1 since there is 1 subarray of size 2 ([15,13]) having p>= 7. 
Function Description 
Complete the function and Queries in the editor below. 
  • andQueries has the following parameter(s):
  • int number[n]:an array of integers
  • int queries[q][4]: a 2d array of integers where queries[i] contains the ith query. 
The Function returns an array of q integers, the answer to each of the q queries. 
  • 1 <= n <= 10^5
  • 1 <= q <= 500
  • 1 <= l <= r <= n
  • 1 <= s <= r-l+1
  • 1 <= A[i] , t < 2 ^31
Input Format For Custom Testing 
The first line contains a single integer, n, denoting the number of element.
The next n lines contain the elements of A 
The next line contains a single integer, q, denoting the number of queries.
The next line always contains the integer 4 ( for input purposes).
 The next q lines contain 4 space separated integer denoting l r s t  for each II query. 

Sample Case 0 
Sample input For Custom Testing 
2 5 2 4
Sample Output 
The sub-array is [5, 4, 8, 3].
 Now the possible subarrays of size 2 are [5,4],[4,8] and [8,3]. These have p values 4, 0  and 0 respectively. So the number of subarrays of size 2 from l to r where p>= 4 is 1. 

Sample Case 1 
Sample Input For Custom Testing 
2 5 1 9 
7 10  3 45 
4 10 4 28 
Sample Output 
Explanation In the first query, all 4 elements of the range are greater than 9. In the second query , there are two sub-arrays, both having p values of 57. In  the 3rd query, the p values are 17,17,49 and 57.


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