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Deutsche Bank (DBOI) Hiring Test 2020

 Deutsche Bank (DBOI) Hiring Test 2020



About Company

Deutsche Bank is a leading global investment bank with a strong and profitable private clients franchise. A leader in Germany and Europe, the Bank is continuously growing in North America, Asia and key emerging markets. With more than 78,000 employees in over 70 countries worldwide, Deutsche Bank offers unparalleled financial services throughout the world. The Bank competes to be the leading global provider of financial solutions for demanding clients creating exceptional value for its shareholders and people.

Deutsche Bank in India is a fully integrated financial services provider to Indian corporate, institutional and individual clients. Our services include on-shore investment banking, institutional equities broking, asset and private wealth management, retail banking and business processes outsourcing.

Over the years, recognition of our performance has come in the form of various awards which include:

  • Best Sub-Custodian India 2009 - The Asset
  • Best Bank in India 2008 - The Asset
  • Best Equity House in India 2008 - The Asset
  • Best Cash Management Specialist 2008 - The Asset
  • Best Private Bank in India 2008 - Asiamoney
  • Financial Express Award for Growth 2008 & 2007 - Financial Express

Hiring Process (On-Campus)

Deutsche Bank to axe 18,000 jobs | News | DW | 07.07.2019

Campus Hiring in-between July-August. Process goes through three Rounds.

Package for full time employees:  INR 19.6 lakhs per annum (15 lakhs fixed)

Package for summer interns : INR 75,000 per month for 2 months. 

Round 1(Coding Round)

  • It is a Coding round conducted on Hacker-Earth , it consist of 3 coding question of medium level with time duration of 135 mins.
  • Coding question based Data structure, Implementation, Strings, Combinatorics, Dynamic Programming , graphs and trees mostly

Round 2 (Technical Interview-1)

  •  Based on DS, Algo, OS and networks.

Round 3 (Technical Interview-2)

  •         discussion on candidates resume.

Round 4 (Profit)

  • In this round interviewer will give situational questions, challenges you faced while doing project, and how you solved it, also the interviewer can ask the values of Deutsche bank.

Round 5 (hr)

  • why DB, family info, personal info.




Question 1: Cardinality and arrays

 You are given a set S of size n. You are given a class of functions called FUNC defined as f: C -> C such that for all k belong to S, fk(x) = x for all x that hold for all x. Consider a set G that is defined on the natural numbers  such that a number l  belongs to G if and only if fl(x)=x for all x that holds for all f belongs FUNC. Your task is to create the complementary set of G on natural numbers, that is, a number l belongs to G’’ if and only if l does not belong G.

If the cardinality of G’’ is finite, output FINITE, else output INFINITE.

Note: There are multiple test cases.

Math note

• f: C -> C is a notation that is used to describe a function f that takes a complex number a +ib as input and gives another complex number c+id as the output.

 • The Ɏ symbol is read as 'for all'; in particular, if fl(x) = x Ɏ x. which means that fl(x) x is true for all x int the domain of the function. Here, domain belongs to complex numbers.

 • Also, fl(x) = f(f(f(. . f(x))), where f is repeated / times. In other words, this means that

f2(x) =f(f(x)),

f3 (x)= f(f(f(x))).

 • Cardinality is used to denote the size of a set.

Input format

• First line: t denoting the number of test cases

• For each test case:

·        First line: N denoting the size of the set

·        Second line. N elements denoting the elements of the set

Output format

For each test case, print FINITE if the cardinality of G’’ is finite, else print INFINITE.



1 <= sum of n overall test cases <= 100000  

If k belongs to S, 1 <= k <= 100000

Sample input 1

2 4 1

Sample Output 1




 Question 2: Minimum Number

You are given N numbers Ai, A2, A3...AN, Find a minimum number P (P > 1) such that P is a co-prime with all of the given numbers.

Note: Two integers a and b are said to be co-prime if the only positive integer (factor) that divides both of them is 1.

 Input format

• First line: T (number of test cases)

• For each test case:

·        First line: N (number of integers)

·        Second line: N space-separated integers, A1, A2, A3 ...AN

Output Format

Print T lines each containing one integer denoting the answer of the corresponding test case.


·        1 <= T <= 5

·        1 <= N <= 10^5

·        1 <= Ai <= 10^6

Sample input 1

5 7 25
1 2 3 4 

Sample output 1



Question 3: Avoiding traps

There is a cave of N cells where each cell has a trap or is safe to land. From a cell i, you can jump to cells i +1 or i + 2. Also, if number is special, then you can also jump from cell i to cell i+ A where A = number of primes in [1,i], A number i can be special  if  

A / i >=  r1 / r2

You are given the following:

• Some arbitrary numbers r1 and r2

• The number of cells N in the cave where each cell contains either ‘#’ or ‘*’

• Details of the cave

Note: Here, ‘#’ represents an empty cell and ‘*’ means a trapped cell.

Your task is to determine the minimum number of steps that you have to walk to reach the Nth cell. Initially, you are at cell 1.

Input format

• The first line contains an integer T denoting the number of test cases.

• The first line of each test case contains two integers r1 and r2.

 • The second line of each test case contains an integer N.

• The third line contains a string of length N representing N cells where the first character of the string represents the first cell, second character represents the second cell, and so on. Each cell is either ‘#’or ‘*'.

Output format

• For each test case, print the minimum number of steps that you have to walk to reach the Nth- cell. Print the output in a separate line. If it is not possible to reach the Nth cell, then print "No way!'' without quotes.


1 <= T <=500

1 <= r1, r2 <= 10000

1 <= N <= 100000

Note : For large input files, use faster input methods


Sample Input 1

1 2
1 5
2 3

Sample Output

No way!



  1. This blog is helped me pass my coding test. Thanks for this post specially.

    1. question are helpfull for practice but what about the solution :; and dough in solving ........ they must provide solutions too


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